Class of 1990
Last Name |
First Name |
Abdikulova | Dilya |
Allen | John |
Armand | Pierre |
Asaoka | Toshi |
Auld | Hilary |
Berends | Andrew* |
Bucko | Matthew |
Capuano | John |
Charitou | Cleopatra |
Cook | Marianne |
Copeland | Jordan |
DiBenidetto | Christopher |
Dragan | Cara |
Drake | Thomas |
Drumm | Paul |
Edelson | Jacob |
Elliott Lewis | Dane |
Farrauto | Matthew |
Fisher | Bronwyn |
Forrest | Roxanne |
Fuller | Tricia |
Galland | Jeremy |
Gannon | Kevin |
Gardner | Jason |
Geshino | Daniel |
Glauber | Juliet |
Graves | Cheryl |
Grossman | Alex |
Groth | James* |
Hammer | India |
Hanak | Stephanie |
Hannigan | Joan |
Hogan | Justin |
Hutson | Joshua |
Jain | Anupma |
Jones | Tina |
Kelleher | Christopher |
Kelley | David |
Keriakos | Janeen |
Khurana | Ruchi |
Klein | Debbie |
Levine | Andrew |
Liva | Christopher |
Localio | Elizabeth |
Lockwood | Greg |
Lovejoy | Richard |
Madigan | Elizabeth |
McAdoo | Nina |
McCarthy | Dena |
Montgomery | Lydia |
Morgenlander | Melissa |
Narhi | Christina |
Nelson | Stefanie |
OBrien | Annette |
Ochrymowicz | Catherine |
OConnor | Christopher |
ODowd | Dianne |
Panetta | Jane |
Pavone | Lee |
Peters | Robert |
Roberts | Stacey |
Ross | Kimberly |
Sato | Ayako |
Schiffer | Heather |
Scioscia | Brajarani |
Sharpe | Charles |
Shemon | Kevin |
Sura | Pamela |
Tepper | Sharon |
VanderVelde | Lies |
Walker | Tanya |
Wolkoff | Justine |
Zovich | Tomislav |
* Denotes that the person has passed away.